Friday, 1 November 2013

Death Bot!

The design of the blades
                                                                                My Death Bot is composed of three main parts. The big spin blade, the little spin blade and the card shooter. The big blade is made by putting a motor horizontally on the left side of the control brick. You then put a fairly long stick through the orange drive of the motor. Then on the stick put four of the orange curves on the stick and on the orange curves put a 15 stick. That is the first blade. Then to make the controls you need to make a ladder down to where you feel comfortable. Then attach the sensors. You can then make the small blade by attaching the motor vertically to the ladder. Make the rest the same as the big motor but use the big curved sticks as the blade.

The design of the card shooter

The card shooter is a much simpler design. All you need to do is to take a very long stick and put a wheel with a tyre on. Then put it through the orange drive on a motor. After that you put another wheel with a tyre on it and then put one of those things that stop the tyre falling off. Then put lots of the curved sticks on the side that are the right shape to fit cards in. Then you have finished the card shooter.
The finished blade spinner

The finished card shooter

Watch a demo of me using the death bot here.

Watch Me Programming the death bot here.