Friday, 1 November 2013

Ram Bot!

The construction of the Ram Bot
The finished Ram Bot #1 
 The ram bot (as you guessed) rams things. It is based on a bull and when it sees the color red it charges. The build is quite simple. What you have to do is, attach two motors onto the bottom of the NXT brick using two long sticks. Then to attach the wheels you simply put a fairly long stick through the orange motor drive and put on the wheels. to do the back wheels you have to simply put a 3x4 curved stick on the sticks that connect the motors to the NXT brick and put the wheels through. After that you need to construct the ultrasonic sensor. To do that you need to put at 15 stick on the sides and put 5 5 long sticks on either side connecting the ultrasonic sensor to the front. Then you must connect the color sensor on to it. You must put two long sticks through the color sensor and then put three 7 long sticks on the sides and connect it with 3x4 curved sticks. Then to connect the back push sensors............ I'll let you figure that out!
The finished Ram Bot #2

Watch me build the Ram Bot here!

Watch how I programmed the Ram Bot here!

Death Bot!

The design of the blades
                                                                                My Death Bot is composed of three main parts. The big spin blade, the little spin blade and the card shooter. The big blade is made by putting a motor horizontally on the left side of the control brick. You then put a fairly long stick through the orange drive of the motor. Then on the stick put four of the orange curves on the stick and on the orange curves put a 15 stick. That is the first blade. Then to make the controls you need to make a ladder down to where you feel comfortable. Then attach the sensors. You can then make the small blade by attaching the motor vertically to the ladder. Make the rest the same as the big motor but use the big curved sticks as the blade.

The design of the card shooter

The card shooter is a much simpler design. All you need to do is to take a very long stick and put a wheel with a tyre on. Then put it through the orange drive on a motor. After that you put another wheel with a tyre on it and then put one of those things that stop the tyre falling off. Then put lots of the curved sticks on the side that are the right shape to fit cards in. Then you have finished the card shooter.
The finished blade spinner

The finished card shooter

Watch a demo of me using the death bot here.

Watch Me Programming the death bot here.


Once you have built your MindStorm then it's time to program! On the left of the page there are two cogs, this is the move tool. When you drag it into the program page you will find the interface is located at the bottom of the screen. In the top right of the interface there is the power bar, when it is at 100 it will go quite fast however, it is not too fast as it is only lego. Just underneath the power bar is the duration. There is rotations, seconds, degrees (only use that if you need to be really precise) and unlimited. On the top left there is the motor ports and underneath is the direction and turning. Then under the move tool is the sound tool. There are lots of sounds and this tool is really quite simple. Also on the sound tool is the record tool. This is where you can record sounds and put them on the MindStorm. Under the sound tool is the loop tool. What it does is in the name and all you have to do is put the things you want to loop in it and put in how many times it should loop! Then underneath that is the switch tool. This is the most complicated tool, you have to select the sensor and then put in what it would do when what happens to the sensor. You decide what will happen when something happens to the sensor by if it is true it will do whatever is in the top section and if it is false it will do whatever is in the bottom section (you can leave this blank if you just want it to the previous program.) I hope you found this helpful !

The video below is a Lego MindStorm programming tutorial.